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Indoor Sports - Concession Stand at St. Ignatius Gym (Winter 2024-25)

The concession stand on the stage at St. Ignatius Gym is open for business!  Volunteers are needed to staff the concession stand. All money raised goes to the Athletic Association.  This is an important means of keeping costs down for all sports. 

One or two parents per team are asked to work at the concession stand during their child's game.  (The game can be viewed from the stage!)  *Coaches are responsible for making sure the booth is staffed for the hour during their game or assigned shift*

Efforts are made to make this as easy as possible for volunteers!  Opening and closing instructions can be found at the concession stand.  We appreciate your time! 

Click the link below to see a schedule summary.  To sign up for a shift, type your name to the column on the right and it will automatically save.   It is not mandatory for a coach/parent to add a specific name to the slot.  The coach is required to fill the shift either way.  

Outdoor Concessions

We depend on volunteers to staff our concession stand! Any parishioner is welcome to volunteer.  Additionally, Spring and Fall Sports families are asked to volunteer for a minimum of two shifts in our concession stand during their season.  (Exception: Kindergarten Soccer) With the support of our parent volunteers, we are able to provide food/drinks to our own sports families as well as visiting teams while raising money for the Athletic Association. 

THANK YOU for the support!

New to the concession stand? Don't worry! There is a binder located inside the concession stand that explains everything in detail, including set up and closing.  The coordinators are available by email or phone to answer any questions and to help support our volunteers. Don't be intimidated by the Grill Volunteer role - it's simply putting burgers, brats, and hotdogs on the grill.  

**SIGNUP GENIUS LINK - FALL 2024**:   Click the blue box below


  • A binder inside the concession stand gives specific instructions for opening and closing.
  • The grill needs one person to operate.  Instructions for turning on and off the grill are in the binder on the counter inside the concession stand.
  • For the inside shift, we need two workers over the age of 14 (one must be an adult).
  • Closing the concession stand consists of cleaning counters and food prep areas, locking up money, locking bathrooms, taking out garbage, and turning off/wiping down the grill.  
  • If the fields are closed the concession stand is also closed that day.

Hesitant to volunteer?

If there is anything holding you back, please let us know!  We are working to make volunteering in the concession stand smooth and easy.  We appreciate all of the support, and if there are things we can change to help make volunteering in our concession stand better, we'd love your feedback! You can reach our Concessions Coordinators at

Concession Contacts

Outdoor concessions for outdoor sports: 
Coordinators: Stephanie Becker, Jess Lohbeck, Tina Bates

Indoor concessions inside the gym at St. Ignatius: 
Coordinators:  Esther Fischer and Tricia Maxwell