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Welcome to the St. Ignatius Athletics page! Click the Registrations tab to see open sign-ups.  See individual tabs under Sports for information on a specific sport.  The Concessions tab has the SignUp Genius volunteer link, and Fields and Facilities has field maps, field status links, and more.  The SportsEngine tab gives info on using the app for existing teams. 

Spring Sports Registration Now Open

Registration for all SPRING SPORTS is now open until January 15th.  Click the REGISTRATION tab for more information and to sign up. Registration


Planning is underway for our BOYS BASKETBALL and GIRLS BASKETBALL home tournaments!  Check the links below for the most current information! 

Indoor Concession Stand - St. Ignatius Gym

Thank you for volunteering at the St. Ignatius Concession Stand!  The schedule can be found on the concessions tab.  Concession Stand


We have 207 coaches for 2024 FALL SPORTS!!  Thank you to so many volunteers for making these sports possible! Athletics is fully run by volunteers.  Want to get involved?? Click: Board/Coordinators ( for open positions. 

CPR/Health Training for Coaches - Required

With support from the school and parish, Athletics is offering free CPR and Health Training to our coaches.  Hands-only adult and child CPR will be taught, choking instructions reviewed, and use and location of AED's will be discussed.  Each session will last around 1 hour.  All coaches must be CPR certified or attend one of the training sessions prior to the start of the season. 

The class can be taken at any time prior to the start of the season.  Coaches for off-season sports are welcome to participate.  The class will not need to be retaken in the foreseeable future.  Coaches who are already actively certified through their employer should complete the Certification Confirmation Registration, found under the Registration tab. 

**Registration required**   Click the REGISTRATION tab to sign up. Space is limited to 25 people per class.  Registration (

Upcoming classes: 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025- 7:30pm - Fr. Behler Room (thru the Parish Office) 5222 N Bend Rd. (registration now open)


All St. Ignatius coaches will be using the SportsEngine app to manage teams.  Teams are created and rostered by the Athletic Association using existing member profiles, making it simple for parents and coaches.  Please see the "Sports Engine Info" tab or click blue box below to learn more, such as how to give an additional parent access to the team chat and schedule.  Contact with questions. 

Sport Offering Summary

Follow us on Facebook!

Follow us on facebook for registration reminders and season updates! 

Contact Us

Saint Ignatius Athletic Association

St. Ignatius Athletic Association
5222 N. Bend Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45247