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Field Status

Click link below for the rainout page on the WBC website, where twitter handles and phone lines can be found. 

Cincinnati Western Baseball Conference - (Cincinnati, OH) - powered by


2025 Season Info

Mark your calendars:
     8UN-15U: March 15-16 Viking Thaw Preseason Round-Robin
     8UN-15U: March 22 start of the regular season
     7U(K-1st grade): April 11 start of the season
     National Teams: May 1-4th WBC Mid-season Tournament
     All American Teams: May 25 WBC All-Star Game at Visitation
     7U(K-1st): June 6 7U Season ends
     7U(K-1st): June 8-13th 7U Championship Tournament at St. Jude                     
    National Teams: June 13-15 J-Sweet Tournament at Delhi Park          8UN-15U: June 15 regular season ends
     8UN-15U: June 19-28 CWBC Championship Tournament

Thank you for participating in baseball with the St Ignatius Wildcats!
Baseball teams will play on Memorial Day Weekend. Please try and be here so a team does not have to forfeit because they are short players. Teams can participate in the end of the year tournament which will be completed before July. 

Field info:  Fields/Facilities (

***Parents will also be required to work shifts in the concession stand throughout the season, so please be prepared to volunteer during the season.***  The Signup Genius will be available under the Concessions tab on the website.  Concession Stand (

Program Information

5U- Preschool and Pre-K. In-house program competing against other St. Ignatius teams. No practice days. Short practice before games and then 3 innings of play (primarily T-ball). All games are on Fridays, teams will play six games, beginning late April or early May.

7U- Kindergarten and 1 st grade. Coach Pitch. 1-2 practices per week depending on coach. Teams will play eight regular season games against other schools in the WBC, most of which are on Fridays (possibly a weekday game). No official score kept during regular season. Teams will travel for away games. Optional end of the year tournament hosted by St. Jude. Practices begin in March. Games begin in April.

9U-15U- 9U is 2nd and 3rd grade, 11U is 4th and 5th grade, 13U is 6th and 7th grade, 15U is 8th grade. Two practices per week. Teams will play 12 regular season games, most of which are on Saturdays (possibly a weekday game). There will be an end of year WBC
Championship Tournament. Practices begin in March. Games begin late March.

NATIONAL LEAGUE- The National league is a more competitive league within the WBC. These teams are “try-out” teams. Our participation in the National League is dependent on the level of interest within a specific grade level. If formed, the National
League teams go by single grade (8UN is 2nd grade, 9UN is 3rd grade, 10UN is 4th grade, etc.). When a National League team is being formed, an email will be sent out to all applicable families for that particular age group referencing try-out information.

League info


Sam Behrle
Eric Dauer
Doug Donoghue
Ryan Newkirk
